Radiology Exam Info & Login

How to register for the EXAM which is $400.00, which includes the study guide.

Register online for or fax is the registration form.

MAKE ALL CHECKS PAYABLE TO: ASPMA Qualifying and Examining

Two ways to take the exam. Radiology exam 

1. Online certification,
2. Written form with a review course at several conference locations.

This exam is set for a 90-minute time limit. Once you start it you have to finish it. You have to have a passing grade of 80% to pass the exam. You will have 30 days (from the day you took the exam) to do the ONE FREE retake of the exam if you fail it, the ENTIRE exam must be completed within the one-year time frame (including the retake). 

This is the only exam that a retake is included. (only ONE retake).

Radiology (135 questions)

Our new study guide and examination includes the following areas:
1.) Fundamentals of Healthcare and Podiatry
2.) A Brief History of the X-Ray
3.) Radiation Physics and Creating an Image
4.) Ionizing Radiation and Biological Effects
5.) Radiation Exposure
6.) X-Ray Equipment
7.) Radiation Safety and Protection
8.) Film Radiography
9.) Digital Imaging (including both Computed and Direct Radiography Systems)
10.) Quality Control and the Diagnostic Medical Physicist
11.) Anatomic Planes and Motion (including Directional Terminology)
12.) Positioning Techniques and Radiograph Views
13.) Advanced Imaging (including MRI, CT, Three, and Four-Phase Bone Scans, Ultrasound Imaging, and obtaining Insurance Prior Authorization)
14.) A Review of Radiology Terms
15.) Understanding Medical Terminology
16.) Anatomy and Physiology

Radiology is available online and at conferences. This exam is set for a 1 hour, 30 minutes time limit. Once you start it, you have to finish it. You have to have a passing grade of 80% to pass the exam. You will have 30 days to retake the exam for free if you fail it. 

Radiology questions, please contact Tara ~Radiology Chair, at or 1-732-309-4159

NEW HAMPSHIRE assistants click the link for more information.

PENNSYLVANIA CERTIFICATION: Click the link for more information.